Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Sound and smell

Evening at the theater with D. This is opening night and there are more people on stage than in the room. After the play I fear it will stay that way during the complete run. It must hurt.

We are walking toward the sound of a crowd nearby. There is a large brass band playing on the place. Seven horn players, one tuba, two drummers. A bored kid at the back. One man on a Vespa is enjoying the music with his motorcycle helmet on. An alien with an enormous white head moving in rhythm of the New Orleans style jazz.

Waiting for the bus a long time until two arrives at the same time, one crowded, one empty. I head for the crowded one. The pregnant woman, her eyes wide opened, looking sick to the alarm of the small Mexican woman seated next to her. The heat inside the bus despite the windows opened and the smell of urine which overpowers almost everything else. I suddenly wish I had chosen the story-less bus.


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