Monday, February 21, 2005

Paris (II)

A sad news for today. I went to see an old teacher of mine in the hospital. She was hit by a car on Wednesday night and has been in the coma ever since. She is one of these free spirits that change the life of kids. One of these rare teachers that open horizons and make learning fun. She was my French teacher in 7th and 8th grade.
The hospital is an old castle or military base, at the outskirts of Paris. It's already dark when I show up for the visit and the place is deserted. There is a red light flashing "Urgences" ("Emergencies") but no other signs. I walk into a courtyard still following the blinking red light as if drawn by its hypnotic power (I know my teacher is not in an emergency room but in a intensive care unit).
I come across a large sign that says "Cour de Siberie". Everything is so cold, the sign does not surprise me.


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