Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bad move on a first date

Saturday night and I'm at the Warehouse theater to see "The trial", an adaptation of a novel by Franz Kafka. Forget "Harry met Sally". A Kafka's play in by far the best evening for a first date.
Not mine. I'm just waiting for a friend and ordering tea at the theater coffee shop. A couple is sited at the counter on my right and I hear her asking "So. What do you do?" First date! His answer mentions psychology and NIH but I can't really hear all of it. She clearly did and asks more questions about his work and then mentions a friend of hers that works at NIH as a contractor. She speaks non-stop. He just nods. Then silence. He lowers his eyes to drink and she sips slowly from her glass. I get my tea and turn around when I hear her ask "So how much do I owe you for the whiskey?" I am hoping that he will refuse any payment, act with class and waive the request away but I hear his voice, speaking slowly, as if he was actually computing the amount. "It should be 6 dollars. No 7. Well 6 is fine." I do not hear her reaction but he clearly blew it. Probably on purpose. Kafka on their first date.


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